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Moldova customs prevented smuggling of a “revolutionary” currency across the border <p><img width="300" height="225" src="https://i0.wp.com/remmont.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/moldova-custo ms-prevented-smuggling-of-a-revolutionary-currency-across-the-border.jpg?fit=300 %2C225" alt="">On the Telegram-channel customs of Moldova has information on the arrest of a major smuggling money. The message noted that the currency was intended for “revolution,” which is repeatedly hinted opposition.Customs officers found the money in packages. The incident occurred at the checkpoint Leuseni. The case is being investigated by the Prosecutor’s office for combating organized crime. The situation was commented by the Deputy Bogdan Tirdea, who called the smuggling a “greetings from Miami”. “Protests in the period of the pandemic, are now delayed. The Moldovan customs service have stopped the illegal attempt to import about one and a half ...</p> <p><a href="http://remmont.com/186618/">Moldova customs prevented smuggling of a “revolutionary” currency across the border</a></p> Стриктура мочеиспускательного канала — это рубец, который развивается в результате Приобретенная стриктура мочеиспускательного каналаPetercooxy
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